Friday, October 3, 2008


我以前是对地产一窍不通的,也没什么兴趣去了解。自从毕业后,这种不食人间烟火的日子过了几年,突然发觉,地产也是一种不错的投资方式。呵呵,最近发奋图强找了很多关于房屋买卖的基本资讯,开始去吸收更多这方面的知识。所谓知识就是力量,我对数字一向毫不含糊,很有概念,所以在吸收的过程我乐趣无穷。好吧,先把我最常用的LINKS放上来,方便大家(其实也包括自己) 也来看看这些必须要有的概念:





而房屋买卖有两个主要的费用:买卖合同 & 贷款合同

1. 买卖合同 (S&P)的费用是以屋价来算的:

屋价 = RM 250,000

a) Legal Fee:
First RM 150,000 = 1.0% (minimum fees of RM 300)
Next RM 850,000 = 0.7%
Next RM 2,000,000 = 0.6%
Next RM 2,000,000 = 0.5%
Next RM 2,500,000 = 0.4%
Excess RM 7,500,000 = Negotiable (not exceeding 0.4%)

RM 150,000 = 1.0% x RM 150,000 = RM 1,500
RM 100,000 = 0.7% x RM 150,000 = RM 700
Legal Fee = RM 2,200

b) Stamp Duty:
First RM 100,000 is at 1% of the value
Next RM 400,000 is at 2% of the value

RM 100,000 = 1.0% x RM 100,000 = RM 1,000
RM 150,000 = 2.0% x RM 150,000 = RM 3,000
Stamp Duty = RM 4,000

c) Disbursement fees: Land search + Q.A Search + Affirmation and etc
~= RM 200 - RM 400

d) Others: Miscellaneous + Transportation
~= RM 150 - RM 250

2. 贷款合同 (Loan Agreement)的费用是以贷款数额来算的:

贷款 = RM 200,000

a) Legal Fee:
First RM 150,000 = 1.0% (minimum fees of RM 300)
Next RM 850,000 = 0.7%
Next RM 2,000,000 = 0.6%
Next RM 2,000,000 = 0.5%
Next RM 2,500,000 = 0.4%
Excess RM 7,500,000 = Negotiable (not exceeding 0.4%)

RM 150,000 = 1.0% x RM 150,000 = RM 1,500
RM 50,000 = 0.7% x RM 50,000 = RM 350
Legal Fee = RM 1,850

b) Stamping of Original Loan Agreement
= RM 1,000 (RM 200,000 x 0.5%)

c) Disbursement fees: Title search + Bankruptcy search + Affirmation and etc
~= RM 300 – RM 500

d) Others: Miscellaneous + Transportation
~= RM 150 – RM 300

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